The Climb

Climbing up this mountain
Gripping trying not to fall
I put aside all my fear
I will not be overwhelmed by it all
The sun radiates down
And the wind whips across my back
I feel my heart beat faster
And then my body starts to react
My grip gets much tighter
My feet lock in place too
I am like a little spider
Trying to climb out of a glass of juice
But yet I cannot give up
And I will not give up now
I reach up ahead of me
And I never look back down
I keep going til I am almost there
And then my fingers bleed
But this is just one trouble
I will have to suck up indeed
Hand, Foot
Hand, Hand, Foot
Seems to be the pattern of the climb
And then I feel a blade of grass
And I know the win is mines
Life is full of challenges
Some are mountains indeed
But just have faith in yourself
And always believe
Believe that you are capable
Believe that you can accomplish all
Because you will be surprised at the things you can accomplish
Even though they are so tall
They always said I couldn’t do it
They said it was too much for me
But I have climbed a mountain every day
And the mountain is the one who faced defeat

Life is full of challenges. Some are big and some are small. Sometimes we complain about hills in life, and fear the mountains because they are so tall. But every goal can be accomplished, and it all starts within you. For you can complete any climb, if to yourself you are always true!!  -Monica Renata