Rock Bottom

The lowest I could ever go
The beginning of the end

The place that I dread to be the most
The place where I lose friends

Hitting it was the hardest part of my life
But through it I learned a lot

I learned about my inner strength
I learned who my friends are and who are not

A blessing yet also a curse
Luckily I was able to overcome

I hit it and I honestly thought
In life I can go no more

But when I finally thought I could take it no longer
That is when I began to soar

For my faith in myself began to overflow
I decided to be unhappy no more

The lowest I could ever go
The beginning of the end

The place that I dreaded to be the most
Where time revealed my true friends

Where I realized my true strength
Where I learned how to truly live

I was afraid to hit Rock Bottom
But in Rock Bottom I learned how to live

“Sometimes hitting Rock Bottom is the best thing that can happen. Being at your lowest low helps you to realize who are truly your friends and also how strong you really are! Don’t be afraid to hit Rock Bottom… It might be the best trip you ever take.” –Monica Renata