Return to Love

When the sun comes up in the morning
When the first bird flies in the sky
Their thoughts are consumed with YOU
And they are praying that you are alright

When noon finally approaches
When others are consumed with the hectic tasks of life
Their heart is beating for YOU
You mean more to them than life

From dusk to dawn and dawn to dusk
You are always on their mind
Yet you don’t want to see this
And they wonder why

A love so great and strong
You have been blessed to see
But why turn away that love
For someone who is a big MAYBE

When the moon rises in the midnight sky
And you disappointed them once again
They still hold on to hope
For their love for you never ends

A connection made in the heavens
Yet so much has drifted you two apart
But maybe it’s time to return to love
Maybe you should have a change of heart

Love what loves you always
For that love shall never die
Return to your overlooked blessing
Live your life with them by your side

Make a future together
Finally say I DO
For maybe it is time to return to the love
That genuinely cares for you

“Do not overlook the person who will love you FOREVER for the person who loves you at this very moment…….” – Monica Renata

2 thoughts on “Return to Love

  1. Love is for the slow paced, not the swift. If love never leaves, how can it return? Love is not in the moment, but it grows to forever. If people lived forever and we never died, would the person we choose to love still be there at the end of forever. Or would to one person would forever be too long, To the other person forever is not enough time. Forever should only be a glimpse in time to both people truth be told. Returning to love can be deceiving if love is not what is given in return.

    1. True….real love never leaves. Just like a parent loves a child. No matter what that child may do, love will never go away. However, the child may neglect the parent, but if that parent truly loves their child they will still love their kid no matter what………That kid can return to love.

      The poem is mainly about returning to those who love you. Sometimes we are blinded by good looks, money, and gifts and we neglect to look at person for who they are. We neglect the inside… and the inside is what will last even after looks fade and money comes and goes. Genuine people are hard to find. People who truly love you are hard to find…hold on to them..

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