Rain Rain

Rain Rain go away
Leave this place so I can play
Let those raindrops be no more
And stop pounding on my windows and doors
Stop blocking the future in front of me
It is pouring so hard 
I can barely see
Then I heard thunder in the background
And I know you won’t let me leave this time
I see lightning in my  head
I try to back up but I can’t
I want to cry
But this shower is overwhelming me
Just let me go
Just let me be free
Rain Rain go away
Leave this place so I can play
Let these tears be no more
For this fighting I can’t take it no more
You throw dishes around our house
You tell me there is no way out
In the corner I crouch in fear
As your fists keep pounding against my skin
I don’t know if I can survive
It was always bad…but it is worst this time
It feels like I’m about to be knocked out
Yet the rain of your fist just won’t stop
I have to finally get the courage to leave
I have to go….
I have to be free