Racing Forward

Heart beats loud
I move my feet
Fear overtaking me
Who knows what the future holds? 
I think that I will never know..
Eyes closed shut
My mouth won’t react
I am lost and confused
In the corner I sat
Wondering what I am to do
I wonder if it is them I should pursue
My heart beats loud
I move my feet
Fear then starts to overtake me
But I can’t let go of what I don’t know
So I run into my future
Without my eyes closed
My mouth which was shut
Can now speak
I am lost and confused
But I can’t let this be
Move out of the corner
And into the light
I have to be and finally pursue
The person I would like
I have to stop wondering
It is time to pursue
“You can’t be the reason that you hold back YOU”
That voice in my head is definitely right
I have to reach my utmost potential
I have to live my LIFE