
Take me to a place of peace

The place I’ve always known

The place where grass is always green

And my caramel skin glows


A place where I am happy

Where I can feel the air touch my cheeks

The playground is the place

That I always yearn to be


But at times I want to be accompanied

By someone who is my friend

To hold my hand through my adventures

And gaze upon the land


So I ask you to the playground

And you gleefully agree

For you said playgrounds are wonderful places

And you can’t wait to go there with me


Underneath the amber glaze of the sun

I smile and then you smile

I am in my happy place

As I watch the lake move like the Nile


But I can tell you are uneasy

As your hand takes a slide

Gripping me closer with each second

Suffocating me with your mouth


A peaceful place of tranquility

Is quickly becoming a scene

For I loved the visit the playground

But your playground happens to be me


Perspiration from your pursuit

I am totally out of breath

I just stop fighting you

For the fight in me has left


A playground is suppose to be peaceful

I guess today it wasn’t meant to be

For your playground is my body

And happiness you robbed from me