Overlooked Birth

Overlooked Birth
By: Monica Renata
In the world I was welcomed
By other human beings
Surrounded by so many people
Surrounded by those I’ve never seen
Taking my first breath
My lungs take everything in
And finally I am introduced to a world
That contains nothing but sin
To be birthed from such happiness
To miraculously and successfully exit the womb
Surrounded by so many people
Who despite my actions their lives shall resume
My life is just beginning
Yet their life is coming to an end
Each day everyone will live their life
Despite the homecoming of the next
Each birth is overlooked by someone
Each birth is not always felt
But the lives who will feel the presence of the newborn
Are the one in which that birth affects

Monica Renata 
My Book: 
The Awkward Butterfly: http://amzn.com/B00EP5A484