On the Road

It’s been a long day
A very long day
You have so much more to do
And you want to do it fast

Time is so precious
Our time is the most precious of them all, right?

It’s amazing how sometimes we get in our cars and head out to accomplish our tasks at hand, yet we forget about others. We are in a hurry, and we feel as though others should cater to us on the road.
We honk at the slow driver.
We duck in and out of traffic.
Just to make it to where we have to be
We don’t want to waste our time….

But what about others…….
Staci is trying to pick up her child who missed the bus after school
David is trying to get to his wife who just went into labor
Anthony is trying to make it to his last college class ever
Everyone on the road has a mission
But why don’t we see this?

Instead we put our own selfish needs ahead of others
We think our time is so valuable that we do careless things
We are reckless at the wheel and experience intense moments of rage
But why?
We are all trying to get somewhere
We all have things to do
We all want to live to see tomorrow……..
So why possibly deny someone this?

The majority of accidents are caused by carelessness
Carelessness which occurs because someone didn’t want to waste their time
They care about themselves
They honked at the slow driver
Then ducked in and out of traffic
Then purposely got in front of another vehicle to piss them off…..
Is it really worth it?
Is jeopardizing your life and the life of someone else really worth it?

You had a long day…
Someone else did too…
Your time is valuable
And others time is valuable too..
You want to make it home today
And so does everyone else
So please be a courteous driver
Don’t just think about yourself