
Keep in mind those feelings
Keep in mind the words you say
Keep in mind your actions
For these affect others each day

Keep in mind your tone of voice
Keep in mind the way you slant your eyes
For they can make others feel as though they shouldn’t speak to you at times

Keep in mind the ones you care about
Keep in mind how you don’t want them to go away
Fix your problems within your world
Don’t let your problems drive others away

Keep in mind those feelings
Keep in mind the words you say..
Because sometimes when you act recklessly
You make others walk away

Don’t let the stresses of the world push away people who actually care about you. Learn how to not exert the anger from other faucets of your life upon those who love you….for if you don’t…they might walk away. Don’t throw away something you always thought you would keep. -Monica Renata