Ill Today

Today I woke up mighty swell
Or perhaps that is what I think
For now I’m tossing and turning in my chair
Wishing comfort would take over me

My head is constantly spinning
Yet I’m standing very still
My stomach is just churning
I am feeling very ill

Sharp pains in my legs and arms
Cramping in my back
I want all of this to go away
I really want to relax

Pills and potions I have none of
But I crave for some relief
Candy is what I am yearning for
It might cure this pain in me

Sick as a dog
That is how I feel today

Pain at the top
In the middle
And down to my feet
I am very ill today

“Being sick sucks….but that doesn’t mean you have to have a sucky day!” -Monica Renata

One thought on “Ill Today

  1. I’m not a doctor, but candy will not help. Yeah, try not to have a sucky day, but it may suck, I hope it doesn’t.

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