Hi, My Name Is Lovely

Hi, my name is Lovely

When I speak people don’t hear a thing

They look in some amazement

Yet their ears close on me


Hi, my name is Lovely

Inside I am so unique

Yet my shell hinders me from happiness

No one wants to see the real me


Hi, my name is Lovely

My only value comes from others eyes

But oh how I wish others would see deeper

For now my beauty I despise


“At times the most beautiful women become the most insecure because no one truly takes the time to look deeper than their skin… People are more than their looks.” –Monica Renata

One thought on “Hi, My Name Is Lovely

  1. Lovely is unique, but Lovely shouldn’t despise her beauty because of blind not seeing the true Lovely.
    Looking with the eye, but beauty isn’t seen that way..not with eyes.

    Lovely is way more than her looks..most people are more than their looks…but most people will never see because that’s how most people look.

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