You meet her and she is beautiful

She is desirable to your eyes

Her insides you do not care about

Yet you want to see what’s inside


Her spirit is so free

She seems to float on air

There is something about her

This has been made very clear


She feels comfort around you

You can tell that by looking in her eyes

She use to doubt your trust

But now she never questions why


And in that moment she becomes your prey

You have her in a trap

Something you admire for purely physically

Around your finger she is now wrapped


But stop please, for a second

Just finally take the time

To dwell a little deeper

Look under the flesh into her mind

She is her and HER is beautiful

At this moment she is so pure and kind

Her spirit is beautiful

And so is her mind


Her care for you is genuine

Your deceit she cannot see

She is blinded by her love for you

You are blinded by what you can’t see


From woman comes all life

For man he plants the seed

And then comes you and I

A product from the life tree


A being that should be esteemed

But you are about to treat like trash

She is woman like your mother

But in your mind she is a piece of ass


A pity that men sometimes can’t respect the bearers

The bearers of human life

To be treated as toy

And then thrown out of site


But when the tables turn

And HER becomes she

Emotions become mixed

And then men finally see


She is mother

She is daughter

She is sister

She is aunt


She is cousin

She is nanny

She is grandma

She is niece


She is HER and HER is She

So be careful what you do

For the same wrongs you do to HER

She will encounter too


You meet HER and she is beautiful

She is desirable to your eyes

Her insides you do not care about

Yet you want to see what’s inside


But treat her right young man

Don’t make that glow in her spirit die

For seeds are also planted in actions

And in thoughts they do thrive


Don’t make her fear you and your kind

Don’t taint her lovely thoughts

For man comes from woman

But without man she is lost


“Men be careful how you treat women. Be careful what you say. For She can be HER someday, and then you will run out of words to say. For she is someone’s daughter and she is someone’s friend, and the way that you decide to treat her can dictate how she sees other men….” –Monica Renata