Brown, Blue, Green, and Hazel

Brown, Blue, Green, and Hazel
colors that come from an angel
revealing all there is inside
revealing love
revealing surprise

Brown, Blue, Green, and Hazel
They see the truth
They see forever
revealing hurt
revealing pain
These eyes
These eyes
Watching me as I lay

Brown, Blue, Green, and Hazel
Casting judgements
Believing they are able
Eyes open wide but they can’t see
That those eyes are wide shut when watching me 

-Monica Renata


You can never judge a book by its cover. Sight is just one sense we possess. You cannot fully know someone by just looking at them…… We all know this…. but why do we judge others by what we see??

Everyone goes through different struggles in life. And who are we to judge them? Sometimes we look at the way a person dresses and believe that we know what they are about. And that is wrong! You can’t truly know someone by just looking at them……Yet, many think that they can…. This is sad, but a part of life. I hope one day people will learn how to open their eyes which are wide shut.